SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW BLE Health Thermometer Profile implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW BLE Health Thermometer Profile implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW BLE Heart Rate Profile implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RivieraWaves (RW) Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) HID OVER
GATT Profile (HOGP) implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW BLE Glucose Profile implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW BLE Find Me Profile (FMP) implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW BLE Device Information Service (DIS) implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RivieraWaves (RW) Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Cycling Speed and Cadence Profile (CSCP) implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Cycling Power Profile (CPP) implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RW BLE Blood Pressure Profile implementation.
SUMMARY: This document describes the non-standard interface of the RivieraWaves (RW) Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Battery Service (BAS) implementation.