The ATMTAG-3325 can be used as a reference design for developers creating a multitude of different projects from RTLS (Real-Time Location system) tag to IoT sensors. The reference design is based on Atmosic ATM3325 Bluetooth LE SoC.

Main features:

  • Extremely low power consumption SoC solution that last much longer when compared with other Bluetooth LE solutions on the market today.
  • Integrated sensors (temperature, humidity, accelerometer) on the tag. An optional sensors extension board is provided for development and integration of additional sensors.
  • Ready-to-use Simple Beacon and AoA(Angle-of-Arrival) tag applications

The kit is a turn-key reference design that is available both as a standalone tag, or with a breakoff board that provides additional LEDs and button plus a footprint for the MikroBUS™ Click Boards that allow developers to easily plug-in the sensor of their choice for easier development.

Included in the kit: 

Part Number: ATMTAG-3325

1x ATM3325 Tag
1x Tag Enclosure

Part Number: ATMTAG-EXT-3325

1x ATM3325 Tag with IoT sensor breakoff extension
1x Tag Enclosure

User Guides:

Product Briefs:


June 19, 2024

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